Moab Utah artists. Moab is home to many
local artists and nationally known artists. These talented
people work in a range of mediums from visual arts through
literary to musical. Each month Moab Happenings features one
of our talented local Moab artists.
Artist of the Month - June 2002
Rebecca Stengel -
Sterling Scholar
in the Visual Arts
have known Becky Stengel for several years. She has always
been the ideal teenager: mature, polite, articulate, sensitive
and good-natured. But as she is on the eve of heading off
to the University of Arizona, Tucson, for her first year of
college, Stengel is also a woman (and artist) of accomplishment.
This year, Stengel received the Sterling Scholar Award in
the Visual Arts. The Sterling Scholar Award is regional competition
between seven high schools. Awards are given in different
categories, yet competitors are judged on their strengths
in multiple areas, including their G.P.A.s, and their
extra curricular activities. Stengel also recently lead her
class at graduation as one of the valedictorians for Grand
County High School this May.
As a young artist, Stengel won one of 20 awards in the Utah
All-State Art Competition, which had 800 entries. The submission
hung in the Springville Art Museum on display with her award.
Stengel has also had several art shows and exhibits. In April,
she showed a collection of her paintings at Moonflower Market
with friend and artist, Louise Seiler. She has also exhibited
her artwork at The Rock, a former local gallery, and at the
Dan OLaurie Museum.
has drawn all her life, but has just begun painting in the
last 3 years. She prefers oil and watercolor to acrylic, as
she finds it easier to work with the pigment and achieve desired
effect in these media. It is obvious looking at a collection
of Stengels work that she has a passion for color. In
her images she plays with complimentary colors to create optical
illusion. She also experiments with creating harmony and continuity
through her color use. Take, for example, her three-portrait
mural, which is currently hanging in the GCHS Library, depicting
historical figures from different disciplines, from the right
sits Steven Hawking, a cosmologist, Frida Kahlo, an artist,
and Walt Whitman, a poet. The colors provide continuity between
the three distinct portraits. The softly blended mauve background
- a painting of a black hole - behind Steven Hawking plays
off of the right-most Fridas dress. Then the background
colors of Walt Whitman in bright yellow and orange are also
continued into the background of the Frida Kahlo piece. Stengels
use of color ties these separate images together. The rhythms
of the backgrounds play off one another, as well. The smooth
waves of the Hawking background appear to flow into Kahlo¹s
chaos. Then as your eye continues to move to the right, the
complex movement of the Kahlo sky emerges as ordered and stylized
behind Whitman. It is remarkable how three such distinct images
could be harmoniously balanced in this way.
favorite subject for painting is portraiture. She is intrigued
with the challenge of recreating a likeness of the human subject.
But I think she is also compelled to capture something of
the psychological reality of the subject. Intuitively perhaps,
she uses color and detail to represent the depth and mood
of what she is seeing. Her portraits are not flat, technical
recreations of the image, but rather a sense of personality
and feeling is indicated in her execution of a portrait. In
her Iris watercolor, ink and oil painting she uses a palette
of earth tones: alzarin crimson, sap green, yellow ochre,
and prussian blue. The crimson and green are the predominant
colors in the composition. She has poignantly positioned these
two compliments against one another creating a vibrant play
of color on the page. The prussian blue and yellow ochre are
used as accents giving a sense of light and shadow and grabbing
the viewers attention with places of dense color saturation.
The eye wanders through this painting from one pleasing color
combination to the next. This is an example of how Stengel
has captured a mood with color: the colors are dark and heavy
(not generally associated with the delicate iris) but her
deliberate use of color has allowed this piece to be bold,
strong, and confident.
Stengel is off to college in the fall. She said she is looking
toward a degree in the field of integrative medicine. Of course,
I plugged heavily for the visual arts. But I imagine that
painting, portraiture, her keen sense of color, and her fascination
with people will remain a gift of Stengls her entire
life; and, therefore, we need not worry (too much) if she
wanders off into the sciences. And, no doubt, she will continue
to be a woman of accomplishment in whatever profession she